Carrigaline Family Support Centre is a registered Charity and also a Company Limited by Guarantee. We receive core funding from both the HSE and Tusla annually, but like many Charitable organisations, our core funding does not cover our service delivery costs and we must engage in external fundraising and look to other sources of funding to run our programmes. Our donation page is simple, choose the amount you can afford to donate and be confident that 100% of your donation goes directly to service delivery to end users, no percentage of your donation is used on salaries or other overheads, simply on our programmes! Be sure to look over our website and see the vast array of programmes available to those we serve in the Lower Harbour area. If your company is looking for a bespoke donation to be facilitated then please do contact Chris on 021-4919299.
Your donation makes a huge difference, regardless of the amount, we are truly grateful for your support and we thank you for thinking of us!